blog n°2 : Expressing my opinions

      1.-"I really like fast food"
I completely agree, fast food is delicious. But you should not overeat because it is not healthy for you.

      2.-"Woman drivers are very dangerous"
I totally disagree, in my opinion, both women and men can drive very well and both can make the same mistakes when driving


 3.-" English is an easy language to learn"
I do not agree, English is a somewhat difficult language to learn because it is completely different to what we are used to when speaking or writing. Despite this, it is necessary to learn English because it is the universal language

  4.-"Education in Chile should be free"
I completely agree because for me education is a right and all people should have the opportunity to study and also that this education is of quality

   5.-" War is sometimes the only option to resolve some differences"
I completely disagree, war is never a solution to resolve differences, war only causes damage and death.

   6.-" I hate people who have pets but do not take good care of them"I completely agree, having a pet is a big responsibility, so people who have or will have a pet must comply with the good care of their pet which implies having their food, adequate space and their vaccines a day

    7.-" We should not kill and eat any animals"
I disagree, because the human being is characterized by being omnivorous and the meat gives us the necessary protein

     8.- "The best type of transport is the car"
I do not know, the car has its advantages as it is more comfortable, it serves as a transport for the family and it is very useful in case of an emergency, but it has its disadvantages as it produces a lot of pollution and traffic


  1. Hi Lucía!
    Learn english is very difficult for me jajaja but is necessary because is a universal lenguage

  2. I really completely agree with you, make love not war!!!<3

  3. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  4. hi Lucia!! I agree with you that the human being is an omnivorous being, greetings.


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