
Mostrando entradas de junio, 2019

2 animals videos

1.-Penguin  The penguins are small and cute animals,the penguin belongs to the family Spheniscidae the most important characteristic is that they are coast birds but they can't fly. They live in the southern hemisphere and eat fish and plakton. One very interesting detail is the penguins are excelent swimmers and can swim under the water for 4-5 minutes. 2.-Panda bear The panda bear is a mammal, native of china,in their period of reproduction is very important their smell. The period of gestation is of five months and 2 baby Pandas can be born. When they are born they have a pink color in their body and when  they grow they get their characteristic colors.

My life's main event

April 1999 I was born in Santiago de Chile in the hospital"San Borja Arriarán" on 26th. I was the first daughter that my parents had. (this is me baby) March 2004 I started the school in "liceo Dagoberto Godoy n°3" (photo of my kindergarten graduation) May 2005 On May 16,my little sister is born (my sister and i) Dicember 2012 I graduated of elementary school (my friends and I celebrating the end of the elementary school) August 2013 I have a my first pet is a hedgehog, (she is "luna") August 2016 I adopted a my dog (she is "reina"nowadays ) Dicember 2016 I graduated of high school March 2018 I started the university,i started studying veterinary medicine at the "Universidad de Chile"